How to bounce back after a job rejection

How to bounce back after a job rejection

over 1 year ago

6 tips for bouncing back from a job rejection.

1. Receive Feedback

Asking for feedback as to why you weren’t selected is key after a rejection. Gather all the information you can from a recruiter to see what went wrong and how you can learn from it.

Don’t be afraid to ask for detailed feedback if the initial reasoning sounds too generic.


2. Reflect

Use the rejection as an opportunity to learn. Although you may just want to forget the whole thing ever happened, reflecting on rejections shines a light on areas which you can improve on.

Think about the feedback you received, how you prepared and your interactions in the interview.

Some good questions to ask yourself are: What did I sense went well? What could I have done differently?


3. Identify recurring themes

Think about feedback you’ve received from previous rejections. Are there any recurring themes? If so, make a note and think about what you can do to change them in the future.

For some of these weaknesses, you might need to undertake some additional training/learning specific to the role you’ve applied for but for others it could just be a case of researching and planning your answers a bit better.

Practicing interview questions with a friend or family member will help you gain more confidence with this.


4. Change your perspective

Sometimes, rejection is simply out of your hands. If the interviewer prefers someone with experience or skills which you don’t have then it could help to change your perspective.

If the interviewer thought you weren’t a good fit for the role then it was probably in your best interest as you might not have fit in well with the team. Focus on things which you can realistically change.


5. Refine your search

Interviews aren’t always about success or rejection, they give you an opportunity to find out if a role feels like the right fit for you.

If there were parts of the role explained that didn’t excite you in your interview, the interviewer may have been able to see this.

Use this experience to help you refine future job searches. Did the interview make you realise that this is not quite the right sort of job for you? And if not, then what is?


6. Building resilience

Resilience is key for long-term success. Each setback you receive is a new challenge and opportunity to grow your self-understanding and ability to bounce back.

Overcoming these obstacles will increase your chances of landing your dream role. Do all you can to learn from the experience to help you get ready for the next opportunity.

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